Sunday, January 29, 2012


To make snow and to get rid of snow you just do this. (look at pic)
For rain you do this. ( have to refresh to get rid of)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


To get different bubbles around what you write you put either ( ) these or this ! Like this.... Make sure you put them on both sides

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


My new blog already has 100 views! Thanks to everyone who has viewed my blog!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wolfhome map!

This is the wolfhome map. Find a place on the map you would like to visit and click it!

Finding your friends!

Click on the mysts to find a friend!

Look at all the users!

Find the user you're looking for and look to the left and click what place they're in.
It's that easy!

Changing you avatar!

Click on this to change intoa  wolf or jackal!

You cna choose a pose by clicking arrows!

Choose to colors your back, eyes, or belly!

Choose any color once you've chosen to color you back, eyes, or belly!
It's that simple to change you avatar and color it any way you want!