Coyote Mesa!
Dark Forest!
Emerald Jungle!
Emerald Jungle 2!
Fallen Tree Shore!
Forest Cave!
Forsaken Keep!
Golden Plains!
Icy Tundra!
Lava Lake RP (Role play)
Lookout Mountain!
Midnight meadow!
Misty Forest!
Moon Lake!
Moonlight Cave!
Night Den RP (Roleplay)
Sandy Shore!
Silver Isles Frozen Shore!
Silver Isles Icy Mesa!
Silver Isles Sanctuary!
Silver Isles Snowyness!
Silver Mountain!
Storm Mountain RP (Roleplay)
Summer Meadow!
The Carverns!
The Ghost Woods!
The Moors!
The Ruins!
Timber Forest!
Underwater Cave!
Volcano RP (Roleplay)
Winderness RP (Roleplay)
Willow Marsh!
These are fun places in Wolf home to hang out with you friends! The RP rooms are where you can pretend to fight eachother!